Business Law Posts

March 14, 2022

Does the Dog Wag its Tail, or the Tail Wag the Dog?

I try to scan headlines and read articles as much as time permits.  Take a look at the following headlines from the...

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March 07, 2022

You talked the talk, now walk the walk – Post-Acquisition To-Dos

Well, you did it.  You closed on the acquisition.  All the months of due diligence and planning and now everything is signed...

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February 28, 2022

‘Til death do us part….or until I don’t want to work with you anymore…the importance of Buy-Sells.

I got a call earlier this week from a prospective client looking to start a business with a friend.  They had a...

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February 21, 2022

MPL General Counsel Corner – If your BOD is me, myself and I, you may want to think about expanding

Running a business can be one of the most exciting, scary and loneliest things that a person can do.  Many fall into...

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February 14, 2022

Private Equity in 2022 is like Alabama Football – They don’t rebuild, they just reload

I recently attended an M&A networking event.  We heard from three private equity professionals about their outlook for 2022.  Across the board,...

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February 07, 2022

MPL General Counsel Corner – Employees, employees, wherefore art thou employees?

When I owned a business, not in the legal industry, one of the biggest challenges I faced was finding and keeping qualified...

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