Water and Sewer Authority Attorneys in York, PA

Does your Authority have attorneys it can depend on?

Do you need clear and straightforward advice on municipal matters?

Do you have questions about bidding procedures? How about prevailing wage? Rates and tapping fees? Relationships with other municipal governments? Service areas and competition? Expansion of services? Or employment matters?

The attorneys at MPL Law Firm can help you address all of these issues — and more. We have extensive experience representing water and sewer authorities on a variety of issues.

We can help simplify matters.

Water and sewer authority members have very difficult jobs. Most take on the responsibility in addition to full-time jobs and family obligations. The attorneys at MPL Law Firm recognize the sacrifices that local government leaders make, and we strive to make their jobs easier and more efficient. We work with municipal staff to address any legal issues cost-effectively and to present issues that need input or action by the governing body so they are easily understood.

While we are always available to advise on legal matters, we leave the policy decisions to the elected officials. Whether the issues relate to employment matters, bidding and construction, utility expansion, land development or general day-to-day operations, our attorneys can help you make the best decisions for your constituents.

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