MPL Law is home to a team of experienced child custody attorneys in York, Pennsylvania. For decades, we’ve helped county residents reach fair agreements in the best interests of the child or children involved. We also have the skills to litigate your case with the local courts when necessary.

What You Need to Know About Child Custody

In the court’s eyes, child custody differs from visitation. There are two types of custody — legal and physical. Legal custody is a parent’s right to make significant decisions on their children’s behalf, such as health care and educational choices. Conversely, physical custody refers to the child or children physically occupying the same home as the parent. Sole custody assigns rights to just one parent, while joint custody means both retain rights.

Visitation is the time set aside for a parent without continuous physical custody to interact with their children. A schedule typically details the days, frequency and length of the visitation rights.

There are three ways to reach agreements on child custody:

  • Personal negotiations between the parents resulting in a mutual agreement
  • Custody mediation and conciliation conducted by an objective third party
  • The court system, where a judge will decide and issue an order

In cases that proceed to the court system, the judge will consider what’s in the child’s best interest when deciding custody. They may consider factors like the child’s wishes, a parent’s history of abuse or substance misuse, or the parents’ geographic separation or work schedules. Custody agreements and orders in Pennsylvania are subject to revisiting at any time.

No matter which route you take to establish custody, having an experienced custody attorney in York, Pennsylvania, can help you protect your rights more effectively while securing the best outcome for the child or children.

How We Help

We provide comprehensive and compassionate legal representation for child custody and related matters, such as:

In many cases, we can help you reach an agreement faster and at a lower cost than trying to do so yourself.

Why Work With MPL Law?

At MPL Law, we’ve built a reputation for doing things differently than other local attorneys. Area residents consistently turn to our experienced custody lawyers in York, Pennsylvania, for legal advice because:

  • We understand the impacts: Negotiating custody can be emotional for all parties. We offer ongoing support as your legal needs change.
  • We’re upfront about your options: Every situation is different, and not every expectation is realistic. Your MPL Law professional will work toward the best possible outcomes while communicating honestly about your case facts.
  • We build personal connections: Every conversation we have starts with our attorneys listening to understand your situation fully. This approach helps us better determine your options and provide sound legal counsel with individualized attention.

Request a Child Custody Consultation With MPL Law Today

If you’re ready to move forward with predictability and confidence, MPL Law is ready to help. Take the opportunity to learn more about your options and potential outcomes by talking to one of our experienced custody attorneys.

Fill out the form to request a consultation or contact us online for help scheduling an appointment.

Family Law Attorneys in York, Pennsylvania

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