General Counsel Corner Posts

January 09, 2024

Can I Still Say Happy New Year, Or Did the Statute of Limitations Run Out?

Can I still say Happy New Year or did the Statute of Limitations run out?  I trust your 2024 is off to a...

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December 15, 2023

I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me! Beneficial Ownership Report

If you did not think you had enough to do as a business owner, wait until 2024 starts. The small business world...

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December 01, 2023

Who’s In Charge Here? Corporate Governance

In case you missed it, there have been some corporate governance issues with OpenAI (i.e., ChatGPT) the last few weeks.  Sam Altman was...

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December 01, 2023

Are You a Boss, Or a Leader? Company Culture

We spent the last two weeks talking about a company’s mission and vision.  These concepts are important because they serve as the...

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November 13, 2023

“We are on a mission from God”; The Importance of Business Mission Statements

If you are old enough to remember The Blues Brothers, the gist of the story is that the two brothers set out to...

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November 06, 2023

If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going: Business Mission & Vision Planning

This time of year, many companies are drafting or finalizing their strategic plans for 2024.  However, what guides them and how do...

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