Renewable Energy Posts

May 01, 2024

Solar Fight – Hommrich v. PUC

This saga begins in 2004 when the Pennsylvania Legislature enacted the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act, 73 P.S.§§ 1648.1-1648.8. [the “AEPS”].  To...

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July 15, 2022

PennDOT HOP and Transmission Lines

The PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit (“HOP”) is one of the most common third-party approvals during the land development process. If a state...

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June 22, 2022

PA Decommissioning Bill Passes the House

House Bill 2104 (“HB 2104”) has finally through the PA House of Representatives. As we have detailed over the past few months, HB...

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May 02, 2022

A Second Look at What We Are Digging Into

Everyone’s favorite part of the land development process, third-party approvals. A developer can control and work through most of the land development...

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April 18, 2022

What Do I Need to Provide in My Conditional Use Application?

Attorney Andy Miller and I have assisted many clients through the Conditional Use process. It differs from municipality to municipality, but one...

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March 28, 2022

Local Government’s Perspective on Solar Farms

Last year the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (the “Association”) provided testimony before the Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs and Local...

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