
Those Refs Cost Us Another One!

October 14, 2024

As a Father of three boys who have all been involved in sports, I have heard the following phrase in one form or another over the years:  “Those Refs Cost Us The Game!”  As you might imagine, I don’t have a lot of patience for that type of blame.  However, it is a great teaching opportunity about accountability.  

Accountability became readily apparent to me when I first entered the world of business ownership.  The one thing I noticed quickly was that I was fully responsible for everything (including taking out the trash).  That does not mean that I did not hold my staff accountable.  However, if there was ever an issue and it came to my attention, I knew that ultimately it was up to me to get it resolved. 

A lot of business owners don’t always grasp that concept.  Even worse, many will default to blaming someone else.  I can tell you pretty much across the board that when you do that, you lose a lot of credibility.  All the key players in your business are looking to you for leadership.  As President Truman made famous, the “Buck Stops Here”.  

Below are some interesting articles that talk about accountability and responsibility as a business owner.

Lastly, I want to congratulate all those who passed the PA Bar Exam.  I especially want to congratulate two of our newest Associates – Tom Wymard and Will Schroeder!
Here are a few other items of interest:

As always, please don’t hesitate to email myself (, Andy Miller (, Christian Miller (, Erik Spurlin (, Brad Leber ( or anyone in our office with questions or comments.  

Please see all of our prior updates at this link or if you would like to be added to our email list, please click here.   
