General Counsel Corner Posts

March 21, 2023

Merger Structure Rundown: 338 Elections

As if the M&A world could not get any more complicated, I am going to blow your mind again.  There are situations...

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March 13, 2023

Merger Structure Rundown: Reverse Triangle Strategy

One of the beauties of the triangle offense is that it works in both directions.  In a similar way, the reverse triangular...

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March 07, 2023

Merger Structure Rundown: Forward Triangular Merger

As Phil Jackson showed, triangles can be a very powerful tool for winning championships.  They are also the basis for two successful...

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March 03, 2023

Merger Structure Rundown: Forward (Direct) Merger

As promised, I am spending the next few updates highlighting different merger structures.  In case you did not know (and trust me...

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February 21, 2023

If You Don’t Buy It, M&A Outlook is Still Solid

Last week, CVS announced that it would be buying OakStreet Health for $10B, which comes on the heels of buying Signify Health in the...

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February 14, 2023

The Employee Retention/Recruitment Merry Go Round

2023 is well underway and it appears the next downturn is not as imminent or large as the economic prognosticators were predicting. ...

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