General Counsel Corner Posts

May 02, 2023

Last Stop on the IP Tour – Patents

We are going wrap up our tour of IP with a review of patents this week.  Essentially, a Patent is a legal right granted...

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May 02, 2023

Stop! Collaborate and Listen – Copyrights

One of the more famous legal cases occurred when David Bowie and Queen sued Vanilla Ice for copyright infringement.  They said that...

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April 20, 2023

Trademarks – What’s in a Name?

Trademarks are one of the terms used in the intellectual property realm that often gets confused with patents and copyrights. To simplify things, a trademark helps...

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April 13, 2023

Chipotle Trademark Dispute – When Does a Word or Symbol Become a Trademark?

Last week, Chipotle Mexican Grill sued Sweetgreen Inc. in California federal court claiming the competitor’s new “Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl” violates its trademark rights. ...

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April 03, 2023

What Are My Legal Options? I Want To Sue!

Maybe it’s me, but I have noticed an uptick in business client calls that end with “what are my legal options?” or...

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March 28, 2023

Where’s Our Money?

Unless you’ve been hyper-focused on your business of late, you have probably heard a bit about the banking issues at Silicon Valley...

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